Where is Webb?
“Data-driven infographic shows the status of Webb on its journey to L2 orbit. The page constantly updates as Webb travels, deploys, and cools to operating temperature.” Really cool!
“Data-driven infographic shows the status of Webb on its journey to L2 orbit. The page constantly updates as Webb travels, deploys, and cools to operating temperature.” Really cool!
I like this idea. I’m pretty bad about subscribing to feeds and just letting them get backed up. This is a nice system to just remove whatever you’ve stopped paying attention to before organizing it further. via Colin Devroe
Multimedia storage/server software to roll your own NAS plus more. Looks really robust, a one time purchase and and good documentation. This may be the way to go for our 2022 server project. via Discord
This needs to be added to the ole to-do list. via horttube (Jim Putnam)
Clips of this film were playing above the dance floor at Mary’s in Atlanta the last time we were there. Technically an adult film, but I’d call it more of an art film. I’ve yet to find a copy. via Mary’s
I love this photo. Found this a while back and lost the link. I’m happy to see that it looks to still be available, however I haven’t bought it just yet. via Instagram
I could never be this clever to figure out how they make an ambigram
Learned the other day that you can enter codes into Netflix to pull up specific genres and sub-genres. Neat! via Mitch
Great article on how Molly Houses came to be in 18th-to-early-19th-century Britain
I’ve been playing this for four days now. I love that you only get a new word each day. via Chris Glass
I was not aware until the 2020 Tokyo Olympics that the 1964 Tokyo Olympics were the first time pictograms were introduced to get over the language barrier.
This was incredibly fun to watch and amazing performance!
Detailed post on getting up and running with Kodak Flexicolor chemicals at home. via Nicotine
Crystal clear Genesis live set. 16mm remaster in 4k
This is for InDesign which I rarely use, but I figure it will be helpful when studying editorial design. via Reddit
Colors taken from Dieter Rams products for Braun. via Chris Glass
Chan-Wook Park talks about his experience with Leica cameras and the Monochrom specifically. via Jon
Gotta be the highest quality video of a Daft Punk set. via Ryan
Detailed guide on Hasselblad V-System lenses. Definitely reading this later. via Ollie
This is mindblowing.