A man takes a self-portrait in front of a mirror with a large format camera
Ilford HP5 - Rodenstock 210mm f/5.6 Sironar-N


Hello, I’m Jason. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina, with my husband and work as a web developer specializing in user experience and accessibility. Sometimes, I pretend I’m a designer.

In my free time, I enjoy photography—mostly documenting my life, along with friends and family, though I occasionally go out birding.

I also enjoy coffee.

This Website

My site is built using Hugo, a static site generator (or SSG for short), and I absolutely love it. The more I work on the site, the more I learn about Hugo and all it can do.

Images are hosted via Cloudinary , a CDN for media. Using custom partials and shortcodes with Hugo, generating responsive images is a breeze—thanks to an incredibly helpful blog post by Bryce Wray.

I love static websites and have always sort of been in that “Anti-JavaScript JavaScript Club.” I understand we sometimes need JavaScript, but I’ve never understood why people throw entire frameworks at something as simple as a blog. Also, CSS is pretty badass now. My goal with this site is to create a perfectly performant and accessible website with baseline features and progressive enhancement where it makes sense—all with little to no JS.