Puerto Vallarta Day 4

Today we went out and explored Puerto Vallarta a bit more. The first stop was Puerto Cafe. I spent some time searching for good coffee in the area, and this place was well reviewed. After looking at their menu, I had a hunch it would be a hit.
It’s the best coffee in PV.
I don’t know that for sure, but that was a damn fine cup of coffee. I had a V60 pour over from the choice of two beans that they let me smell first. It was an easy choice. There were no tasting notes on the bag, but it smelled amazing. All of their beans are grown and roasted in Mexico. The roaster is Cafe Estelar, and this particular roast is from Pocitos Farm, Veracruz. It was a natural process, and bursting with flavor. Very sweet and fruity.

Shawn had an espresso shot over ice with orange juice. I had a sip, and it was delicious. Never had anything quite like that. They served it with an orange slice on top. Nice presentation. I absolutely loved this space, and would hang out here all day if I could.

Walked around for a bit and stumbled upon the Church of Our Lady Guadalupe. Magnificent interior. You weren’t allowed to go in very far.
Then we headed to this ceviche place Ryan recommended, La Casa Del Ceviche. A very small restaurant with one or two tables. It was at the top of a spiral staircase. Nobody but the chef, her assistant along with two of the cutest dogs, and us. I had shrimp and bacon tacos that were out of this world. The crema sauce drizzled over the top was so good.

After a little more walking, we headed back to the villa to get ready for a toga party. It was a bit too hot and humid for anyone to stay in them for too long. I actually forgot to pack something to make one with, so I used two towels. That worked well enough!
Eventually a huge storm came through, and it rained really hard all night. I slept like a rock.