Puerto Vallarta Day 3

Woke up extra early. Not on purpose, but there was a beautiful sunrise reflecting off of this large cloud hanging over the ocean. I went back to bed, but that was a nice catch.
A lot of the day was spent chilling by or in the pool until the taco tour.
And boy, was the taco tour was fantastic! I forgot to take photos of a couple we ate, because it was just too delicious. Chad was kind enough to supply the last one. The only one I missed a photo of was the restaurant where the guy was carving meat and grilling the tortillas to order.

They were all so, so good. My two favorites were the fried tuna from a restaurant that was just opened by a young man. If that’s an example of the food he’s slinging, he will do just fine. My other favorite was from the only street vendor we visited. Very simple beef cheek with red onion and cilantro. He had a few salsas to choose from. Everything was tasty.

I learned a lot about layering salsas, and no longer fear the heat. Our guide also taught us about asian influences like soy sauce, which came from Chinese people that were forced south from California. I can’t recommend that tour enough. They also gave us some fresh churros at our drop off spot.

We had a shuttle to take anyone back that didn’t want to stay out, and while we were standing on the sidewalk waiting for others, a very tiny old woman came up to us with a black plastic bag. This usually meant someone was selling something. Could be drugs, could be jewelry. Or, it could be a massive dildo. Shocked, but also not really, we all laughed (her included) and declined the offer.