John Hasn't Seen the 5th Element

Drove over to Asheville early-ish to hang with the guys for the weekend. The drive was super easy at this hour.
The house we’re staying at is beautiful, and the weather is perfect. We had brunch at the Med, a small diner. The food was very good. The coffee was mid.
Then, the usuall downtown Asheville shopping spots; Tops for Shoes (I don’t understand the name, but they carry a lot of great shoes), and the Mast general store. We swung by Pennycup to grab a coffee. I read about this place the day before, and it was good.
Hit up a brewery that specialized in ginger-based brews. They also had shrubs, and the blackberry one was delicious. I’ve been into mocktails a lot lately, and I’ve been toying with the idea of making shrubs at home. Seems easy enough.
Then off to another brewery with outdoor seating. There was a record store nearby so I had to browse. Nice spot.
We grabbed some takeout and headed back to the house for dinner. The 5th Element started, and John said he’s never seen it, so we definitely had to watch it. One of my all-time favorites.