Jaguar Bolera

A man rolling a ball down a duck pin bowling lane

35mm Summicron ASPH / Leica M10-P

Had a great breakfast at Big Ed’s. We haven’t been here in years. The food is as good as ever. I don’t remember ever trying the grilled biscuits before, but I will never not get them.

We did a lot of walking. Checked out Blackbird Books, a spot recommended by @doggone_good_books on Instagram. Then off to Black and White Coffee and Videri Chocolate to kill some time until more shops opened. And then @doggone_good_books guy came in! We should have said hello, but I didn’t want to disturb his reading.

Black and White was as good as always. Greatest coffee roaster in the world.

We also checked out the gallery at Art Space . Never been in here before. Local work displayed downstairs in gallery format, and then individual working spaces upstairs for artists. If it were a weekday, we’d probably have seen a lot more artists working. Some had portfolios with prices outside of their door. Really great space! I think the last stop was Pour House records before taking a little break back at the hotel.

A massive rain storm came through before we left for lunch. It didn’t look like it was going to stop, so we powered through. We made it to our destination after re-routing ourselves around some streets that were already starting to flood. Then we parked in a garage, but it wasn’t clear which way to walk to get to Jaguar Bolera, so we ended up completely soaked walking around the complex, going back and forth.

John recommended this place, a massive multi-gaming space with food and self-serve drinks priced by the ounce. I got some kind of mocktail that was ~$1.50 an ounce, and boy that added up a lot faster than I expected. The food was super good. It had no business being that good.

We were mostly interested in duckpin bowling . It’s kind of like mini-bowling, but the pins are on ropes, so they didn’t really fall the same. We killed time by playing darts while we waited for a lane to open up. It was really fun, and I would definitely go back to play again.

The rain did eventually stop, but started again as soon as we left. 🙃

Later for dinner we walked over to Bhavada, an brewery/upscale Chinese restaurant. It was still raining so I didn’t bring my camera out. Flash flood warnings were going off every half hour it seemed. The food at Bhavada was pretty great. It was small plates, so we all go something to share plus split a Peking duck. This was my first Peking duck. I hope it’s not my last.

Afterwards we headed over to Watts and Ward, a massive speakeasy basement bar. I had a mock mojito and it was fantastic. I’m thinking we need to start making shrubs at home and make more mocktails. They’re so good! I also learned that non-alcoholic spirits are a thing. Interesting. A nice closing to a full day.

Chris Glass spotting!

Chris Glass spotting!