14,000 Things To Be Happy About

A gravel drive way to the right is illuminated by an open garage door just after dusk

35mm Summicron ASPH / Leica M10-P

We’re hanging at my parents for the weekend while my sister is in town. It’s also my niece’s birthday, so they’re all hanging at the beach with my mom while Mitch and I crashed at the house with my dad.

35mm Summicron ASPH / Leica M10-P

35mm Summicron ASPH / Leica M10-P

We set up a little space for Mitch to work on Friday while I met the family at Mirey Creek for lunch. At some point Phyllis’ grandson put me in Kid Jail. I’m not sure what the charge was, but to kill time I thumbed through this book, 14,000 Things To Be Happy About. It is not a good book.

35mm Summicron ASPH / Leica M10-P

35mm Summicron ASPH / Leica M10-P