Cute Little Spider

Didn’t realize it, but I’ve been neglecting my offline journal for a few days. Not having a schedule has made me a bit lazy. Need to fix that. Had to use my browser history and photos to try and figure out what I was doing the last few days. Not a lot, apparently. Trying to fix Tdarr on my Unraid server and applying to jobs, mostly.
Finished up Grid Systems. This book has been on my Amazon wish list for years (added April 27, 2012.) Not sure what took me so long to snag a copy. I do recall the price of it fluctuating quite a bit. Same thing with The Elements of Color , which is still on my wishlist and currently sitting at $190. I’m sure I could find many copies available for much less if I spend the time to look.
Saw this little spider outside tonight. Spiders usually make me freeze, but this one was going to town making its web which was fun to watch.