Charlotte to Munich to Berlin

The whole day was basically trying to finalize packing, make sure the house is tidy, and schedule a Lyft to the airport.
The flight from Charlotte to Munich wasn’t completely awful. The food was pretty good. I had curry chicken. I got a lot less studying for my accessibility certification done than I’d have liked. Read some Dune and watched Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part 1.

I felt sick at the very end of the flight. Likely due to the heat on the plane. There was absolutely no AC for over eight hours. A woman a few rows up had to be given oxygen, but I’m not sure if that’s related to the temperature. I didn’t throw up or anything, and it all went away after landing.
The Munich airport is very quiet. There were still a lot of people around, but it was just…pleasantly quiet. The Charlotte airport was complete chaos.
We took the shuttle to our next gate and had plenty of time. The flight to Berlin was more comfy than the Airbus, and was less than an hour or so. We tried to nap in the Berlin airport (it was also very quiet), while waiting for Brian and Jeremie’s flight from Paris to land. They wouldn’t arrive for another two to three hours.