Red-shouldered Hawk

Been dealing with a bit of a stomach bug and needed to get out of the house.
Walked around some of the smaller trails within the park next to our neighborhood. It’s difficult to photograph birds because there’s little light. You can push the camera, but it’s less than ideal. I was kind of joking with myself that I get better bird photographs just strolling around the neighborhood.
Left with nothing I decided to head back. As I’m coming off the greenway entrance onto a cul de sac, I notice a deer. Then a few steps ahead I see a beautiful cardinal snacking at a bird feeder. And then, after walking up the street maybe 25 more yards, I just happened to look up and see this stunning red-shouldered hawk sitting on a light post.
This is a bucket list bird. It just sat there not minding me at all. Eventually it flew up into a tree a couple houses back. So I slowly approached from the other side of the street. Photographing it as I was walking closer and closer, it just didn’t seem to care. I could have stood there and photographed this bird all evening. I felt satisfied with what I got, trying not to chimp on the way home.

Other bucket list birds:
- Red-tail Hawk
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Bald Eagle
- Osprey
- Blue Jay