A High School Chili Cookoff

We spent a couple of days in Haw River hanging out with Brian and Jeremie. Lounged around for a bit early in the day chatting and having some (very) good coffee.
Their daughter stopped by and invited us to a chili cookoff at the high school her boyfriend attends. It was good fun, and most of the chili recipes that we tried were delicious. We all voted for her boyfriend’s parents chili and in all honesty it was the best one. The secret ingredient really came through. They also had a great 90s grunge/Nirvana theme going on.
After stuffing ourselves with a bunch of chili we caught a couple performances. One was a musical number with some dancing and flag waving. I didn’t get a photo of the percussion performance, but it was outstanding. Apparently they’ve never lost a competition.

Later that evening we headed to Hillsborough for dinner at Antonia’s, with a quick stop to hang out for drinks at the Wooden Nickel. Antonia’s is one of the best Italian restaurants I’ve ever been to. We had so much food. Everything was so, so good. I like Deviled Eggs, but they aren’t supposed to be that good.

A few more images from the day here: