Aunt Rita's Birthday, Matt & Allen's Friendsgiving

Headed to Huffman Vineyard’s to see the family for Aunt Rita’s birthday. I love coming here. The owner has a food truck now and churns out some of the best southern-style seafood I’ve ever had. She is such a talented woman. I need to take more photos around the property sometime. I had a BBQ sandwich and some fried oysters.
Uncle Henry arrived. It’s always good to see him. He’s my dad’s uncle and almost 90. And very lively for 90, too. Had to help him figure out his Android device, which I’ll admit stumped me and I had to ask someone that owned an Android.

Got ready to head back home and snapped a pic of uncle Henry and my dad. It was the last shot on the roll and I’m very thankful it turned out. I want to darkroom print this one.

Headed off for the four hour drive home. Mitch was cooking mashed potatoes to bring as a side to Matt and Allen’s Friendsgiving party. He also made banana bread. Everything there was very good.

Went home and played my copy of Dream Unending’s Song of Salvation that came in. I love this band. Some of the best, most unique doom metal I’ve heard in so long.