New York: Day 2

Started the day grabbing a coffee at Black Fox . It’s closer to our hotel than I thought. Very good Guatemalan on drip. Probably better than any pour over I’ve made. That may be a slight exaggeration. We went to Leo’s for bagels. The bagel was fantastic. Worth the wait in line. Plus the people watching is top-notch in this city.
Walked back to the hotel to eat real quick before taking the train up to 5th Avenue. We checked out both MoMA stores and Uniqlo. The flagship NYC Uniqlo is massive. The LEGO store was also pretty amazing. After shopping we went to the Top of the Rock to get a 360 degree view of the city. Pretty fun experience, but $40? Damn.
Hopped on the train back down to the financial district to get ready for dinner and the show. We didn’t mean to, but we stumbled upon a Han Dynasty, which was a recommendation from my friend Meg (who I did not see on this trip ☹️.) It was very good. After dinner we walked over to Barclays Center. It was filling up quick. Didn’t care for the area the arena is in. A little too chaotic.
The show was great! Pet Shop Boys sounded amazing. Killer light show with a whole set change in the middle that ended up back where they started towards the end. I can’t believe I finally saw New Order. They played everything and then some. I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting them to play any Joy Division songs, but they played a couple and the crowd went absolute nuts.

Took the train back to our hotel, hit the CVS on the corner for some snacks. Didn’t eat any of said snacks, and passed out. It was a solid day.