Seaview Pier

Woke up and was excited to make a V60 brew. My old hand grinder, the Hario Mini, is terrible. How did I use this for so long? I tried grinding three times, made two coffees and had to pour the other out.
We went shopping with my mom. We did not intend on driving all the way to Wilmington, but I felt the need to buy AirTags before our trip to NYC. Nobody in Charlotte had them and the Best Buy in Wilmington had one pack. So I ordered for a later pickup. Mitch and I mostly picked up some Fall/Halloween decorations at various shops.
We went to River View which is always good. Especially if you like Calabash style seafood…which is just fried. It’s a lot of fried seafood.
After dinner, dad took Mitch and I to Greg’s pier. Greg wasn’t around but we though it would be fun to walke up and down the pier, anyway. I wanted to get photos of people fishing. I really liked how my film photos looked, other than the sunset shot reflecting off my car before dinner. The digital ones were just kinda…meh. Not sure how to describe it.

My uncle used to take us fishing off the pier all the time when we were younger. Absolute nostalgia overload. I don’t think it was this pier specifically, they all look the same to be honest.

It was really busy and I’m not sure if people were catching a whole lot, but they looked like they were enjoying themselves and that’s all that really matters.