This was a lovely day. We got quite a bit done. Cleaned the house, mowed the lawn, and went grocery shopping. Starting to get photos backed up but it is a painfully slow (and terrifying) process within Lightroom. The easiest way to maintain the Lightroom catalog while transferring images to the UnRAID server is to do it within Lightroom itself. Do you trust Adobe to move your files across a network?
Later we headed to VTGCLT ( Vintage Charlotte ) to check out some goods and say hi to Ari. Ari owns Two Ships Pottery and taught our pottery date class at the Little Studio. Fantastic guy and very talented artist! We commissioned him to make a piece that we gifted to friends for a housewarming. It isn’t quite done at this point, but since I’m going back and making these posts I can talk about it.
Here are some photos from walking around Camp Northend where VTGCLT was held.

Also, I finally caught a Charlotte Football Club game! We lost 🙃.