Biltmore in the Fall

Technically it was fall, but hasn’t hit peak colors quite yet. I remember seeing a photo of the bass pond at the Biltmore Estate from the top of the meadow. I wanted to get something similar. We hiked up to the top of the meadow and set up the Hasselblad. I actually snapped a photo with all three cameras I brought with me. Also, three cameras is too much. Just carry one, maybe two. It gets sloppy when there’s too many things going on. The photo from the M6 is what I used for the banner image of this post. The one from the Ricoh was roughly the same, just digital.
The one from the Hasselblad, however, I haven’t seen. I loaded it with Velvia 50 which has not been sent to the lab just yet. I’ve never shot slide film before and I hope I metered well enough. Nothing like a gradient neutral density filter was used, so the sky is likely blown out. Oh well, this is how we learn, right?

If the Velvia looks good, I’ll update this post with some of those images. I’m excited to see the results!
So I got the Velvia 50 back…and I’m in love 😍 This changes things. I was actually thinking about selling my Hassleblad because I don’t use it very often. But now I just want to put more slide through it. I mean…just look:

Yeah I’m definitely going to try more slide in the future. Probably going to start stock-piling any FujiFilm slide I can get before they discontinue anything else!
Also of note, but nothing really related to our trip, we saw a lot of Camel Trophy Land Rover Defenders at Antler Village. There must have been some sort of off-road competition as later we saw a few decked-out Ford Explorers, too.