Crowders Mountain

We’ve now lived in Charlotte for about five years and this whole time I’ve never driven over to Crowders Mountain. Mitch recently started playing in a softball league so I figured I’d make the trip over during his games. A little solo me time. I hadn’t been out to make photos in months it seems so this was a really good time to do it.
Crowders Mountain is just west of Charlotte in Gastonia. It isn’t a big mountain by any means. It’s a lot like Hanging Rock that we used to hike up to when we lived in Greensboro. These are just a couple of the smaller mountains scattered about in western NC before you get to the Appalachian mountains. It’s a fun and relatively easy hike but I won’t lie, I was pretty winded by the time I got to the top.
It was a beautiful day, you couldn’t ask for much better. Well, some more clouds would have been nice to add to the photos, but the weather overall was fantastic. I recently picked up a Ricoh GR III and this was the first time I really got to take it out and see how I like it. It’s great little camera for it’s size. Actually pocketable and sports a nice little 28mm equivalent lens. It’s very customizable much like Fuji’s series of X cameras and it’s really fun to play with the recipes. The JPEGs are quite lovely but I still shoot RAW+ just in case. I guess I’m OK with the purchase. I had a bit of buyers remorse at first.

I did take the Leica with me and shot mostly HP5. The roll of Portra is still in the camera so I haven’t seen those yet. I may update this post with those photos if I like them.