Biltmore Birthday

For my bithday this year, Mitch surprised me with a trip to Biltmore. I’ve lived in North Carolina my whole life but I’ve never been. And now I want to go back any time I get the chance! It is breathtaking. The shear beauty of the place is so overwhelming I don’t even really know how to describe it. It’s straight-up out of a fairy tale.

The main attraction this time of year is the spring gardens. We walked around the grounds for what seemed like an entire Zelda’s map worth of coverage and probably only saw a fraction of it. We were so caught up in how amazing Biltmore is on the outside, we never even went inside! No problem, it’s a reason to go back.

After walking around for a few hours we decided to hit up Antler Hill Village to see a living sculpture titled Free as a Bird by Patrick Dougherty. A living, woven maze of stickwork.

I can’t wait to go back. I can’t imagine any time of the year would be bad. Winter / Holiday time is probably mind-blowing.
You can see more photos during that day here.