Black Lives Matter Mural

Tuesday, June 9, multiple local artists were commissioned by the city of Charlotte to create a large mural that read “BLACK LIVES MATTER” between 3rd and 4th streets on S. Tryon. Each artist or team of artists took a letter and went to work. The entire mural was finished in a day and from what I’ve read they had little time to prepare. The result is quite amazing. Each letter very different reflecting each artist or artists’ styles.

By the time I arrived the mural was finished and a large crowd had gathered to check it out. The whole area was overflowing with positive vibes. Lots of smiles, people dancing in the street, people taking photos and drones getting ariel shots. It was really fun and great to capture some happiness after all the scenes of violence during the days prior.
At around 8:15 everyone gathered round at the end of the mural to take a knee for George Floyd. A speech was given before-hand with information on future plans and how we can help the cause. Then everyone took a knee with fists in the air for a moment of silence.

You can read more about the mural on the Charlotte Agenda's article and I’ve posted the rest of my photographs from the evening on my Flickr account. Yeah, Flickr seems to still be going strong. Hope Smug Mug really turns it around.