
Much earlier this year my friend Ryan asked us if we’d like to drive up to DC and see Deadmau5 around Thanksgiving.
I didn’t know what to think at first as far as seeing Deadmau5 live, goes. But a trip to DC always sounds like a good time.
There ended up being eight of us and we decided to rent a shuttle van to make the trip up, which everyone agrees was a fantastic idea. The van was roomy and comfortable enough. The side door was very difficult to close slam shut. Leaning on it was a risk.
The show was at the Anthem. A massive indoor venue on the waterfront, just south of the National Mall. I had no idea what to expect a Deadmau5 show to be like, and honestly I was kind of blown away. The sound, the Cube V3, the lights and the crowd were all just…perfect? Even Captain America showed up dressed as Deadmau5.

As an aside, the iPhone 11’s night mode feature is quite amazing.