an arm from the left of the frame uses a gooseneck kettle to water flowers inside of a glass vase-like chemex coffee maker. there is a large wall calendar in the background

iPhone 14 Pro

Now: March 7, 2024

The photo above was originally for an update on January 14, when I hit seven years without a drop of alcohol.

Been redesigning this site since early (earlier than now) this year. It’s going. I’ve scrapped a few ideas and decided to worry about fixing all the bugs and accessibility issues first. There are a lot of things I was sort of manually doing in Hugo that could have been setup in a more programmatic way. Also, I had a few accessibility issues to fix. I’d rather these things be addressed before worrying about a pretty layout.

I guess the other day I got to the Bite and just started knocking things out.

Some other things

The weather is getting nice.

Our shed is up (yay!) and the deck should start soon!

Heading to Berlin in a couple of weeks.

Can’t stop listening to 1999 Write the Future.

Watched Dune 2. Liked it a whole lot.

I did finish Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow , and it was very good. Picked up the Contortionist's Handbook for January. Fantastic and very Palahniuk. Then decided for February I’d finally read a book from a high school friend, Chris; Calling Mr. Nelson Pugh. It takes quite a turn. I really enjoyed it, and I hope he writes more! For March, I think I’ll finally finish Seth Godin’s The Practice. I read about half and then seemed to have moved onto something else and forgotten about it. I do have quite a few pages dog-eared. Maybe I should start the book over. I’ve been doing so much accessibility reading for work, that I should probably count all of it for my March “book.”

What is a now page?